
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Life can present challenges, especially when facing difficult events. However, it’s important to remember that seeking help is a positive and effective approach to dealing with such situations.

Positive and Effective Approach

Life can present challenges, especially when facing difficult events. However, it’s important to remember that seeking help is a positive and effective approach to dealing with such situations. If you ever feel overwhelmed or in need of support while navigating major life events or simply coping with life’s ups and downs, therapy can be a valuable and proven resource.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that feelings of loneliness, anxiety, anger, confusion, or depression are not uncommon and can overwhelm. Many others share similar experiences. In therapy, our compassionate, understanding and accredited therapists are well-equipped to guide you through these challenging emotions, providing a warm, supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment for you to explore your feelings and discover ways to overcome these hurdles.


If you are suffering a mental health emergency, contact the Samaritans free on 116 123 for help, they are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Introducing our accessible and secure approach to online therapy: a convenient, cost-effective, and evidence-based alternative to conventional face-to-face methods. Our goal is to provide you with seamless access to accredited and experienced therapists without leaving the comfort of your own space.

If you feel you are struggling or have any questions regarding therapy, please contact us to find out more.


Feeling Depressed


Personality disorders


Loneliness and Isolation




Low mood


Low self-esteem


Anger Management


Feeling sad


Lack of confidence


Post traumatic stress




Work-based stress

Recieve professional ethical help you need to overcome challenges

Our online therapy service ensures your privacy and discretion. You can receive professional ethical help you need to overcome challenges and work towards a happier and healthier life, in a secure and safe environment.


Online therapy provides individuals with the opportunity to connect with accredited therapists through a digital platform that can be accessed via computers, smartphones, or tablets. It incorporates numerous therapeutic techniques commonly used in traditional in-person therapy. The key distinction lies in the mode of interaction, as sessions take place through text messaging, voice calls, or video conferencing calls, eliminating the need to be physically present in a therapist’s office.
Opting for online therapy offers several advantages compared to the conventional approach. One notable benefit is the cost-effectiveness, as online sessions tend to be more budget-friendly. Additionally, online therapy enhances convenience, allowing individuals to schedule sessions that fit seamlessly into their lives.
Research has shown that online therapy is as effective as conventional face-to-face visits to verify the efficacy of this therapeutic delivery method. By providing a convenient, hassle-free, and cost-effective alternative to in-person visits, online therapy grants users greater flexibility and choice. This enables individuals seeking therapy to connect with a therapist promptly.
The mounting evidence indicates that online therapy is equally beneficial for addressing common mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and addiction when compared to traditional in-person therapy. A recent study, published in the Lancet journal, examined the outcomes of 17 individual studies on online therapy. The findings revealed that online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) was even more effective than face-to-face CBT in reducing depression symptom severity. Moreover, there were no significant differences between the two interventions in terms of participant satisfaction. Other research corroborates that the therapeutic alliance between therapist and patient working in collaboration, is just as effective in online settings as it is in traditional ones. Many participants expressed feeling more at ease during virtual sessions.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), is a form of therapy that aims to help you cope with challenges by modifying your thought processes and behaviour. It operates on the principle that thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and actions are interconnected, and negative thoughts and feelings can lead to a destructive cycle. By breaking down complex problems into manageable pieces, CBT seeks to alter negative patterns and foster positive emotions.
Unlike delving into the past, CBT focuses on current issues and offers practical solutions. Its versatility makes it effective in treating various mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety disorders, OCD, panic disorder, PTSD, phobias, addiction-related problems, sleep issues, and chronic fatigue. During sessions, your therapist will assist you in dissecting problems into thoughts, physical sensations, behaviours, and emotions, guiding you in making positive changes.
Typically held every one to two weeks and lasting around 45 minutes, CBT sessions are structured and employ tools like worksheets and relaxation techniques to facilitate the application of discussed coping strategies.
While CBT can be as effective as medication for some mental health concerns, it might not be suitable for everyone. Its advantages include relative brevity compared to other talk therapies, practicality, and empowerment through lasting coping strategies. It can be especially beneficial for those uncomfortable with one-on-one interactions. However, CBT may not be suitable for individuals with complex mental health needs or learning difficulties.

Individuals seek therapy for various reasons, which could include facing challenges and anxieties, encountering relationship issues, or requiring assistance in coping with crises, workplace pressures, bereavement, or illness-related stress. Feelings of hopelessness, depression, stress, and low self-worth are also common reasons for seeking therapy. Additionally, past events that continue to cause emotional distress may prompt someone to seek therapeutic support.

Worries and anxieties often constrain our lives. However, through therapy, you can gain insight into their origins, gain perspective, and enhance your coping abilities.

Online therapy, also known as teletherapy or virtual therapy, may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals facing an acute mental health emergency, having thoughts of suicide or harm towards themselves or others, or diagnosed with severe mental illnesses like major depression or schizophrenia, will find greater benefit from in-person therapy.
  • Online therapy is not appropriate under the following circumstances:
  • If you are experiencing thoughts of self-harm or harming others.
  • If you are a minor or under the age of 18.
  • If you are in an urgent crisis or emergency situation.
  • If you are currently going through an acute episode related to a severe and enduring mental health diagnosis.
  • If you are mandated to undergo therapy either through a court order or other authority.
  • If you lack a device with internet connectivity or have an unreliable internet connection.

A single forty-five-minute online therapy session is priced at £65.00. Where 4 sessions are booked as a package these sessions are discounted at a price of £60.00 per session.

All payments are processed through a secure payments system. We do not store debit or credit card details. When making a payment your card details are encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer technology (SSL) upon transmission to our secure payment service provider.

You will receive a full refund if a scheduled session is cancelled prior to 48 hours before the commencement of therapy. If the session is cancelled within 48 hours, no refund is available. If your therapist cancels a scheduled appointment, you will receive a full refund or the option to reschedule.

Rest assured that we hold all shared information in strict confidence, adhering to legal guidelines. Your personal records are securely maintained, and we will not disclose your details to any third party without your explicit consent. The only circumstance in which confidentiality may be breached is if the therapist deems there is a risk to your safety or the safety of others, in which case we may be obligated to inform the relevant authorities. However, we will make every effort to inform you beforehand should such a situation arise. Your privacy and trust are of utmost importance to us.

You have the freedom to decide whether or not to share your actual name and personal information. Feel free to use an alias or nickname if you prefer. During your sessions, your therapist will be able to see and hear you, but they may not necessarily know your real name and other personal details. However, for health and safety purposes, there might be situations where you will need to disclose certain information, if deemed necessary. Rest assured that you can opt to remain anonymous throughout the process if you wish to do so. Your comfort and confidentiality are our priorities.

A therapy session usually last for 45 minutes. During your first session your therapist will explain how the therapy sessions will be conducted, and gather information to make an initial assessment and collaboratively agree a way forward plan with you.
There are some simple questions you can prepare for to get the most from your initial session:
  • When did it start?
  • What have you tried?
  • Does anything make it better or worse?
  • What do you worry about the most?
Initially therapy sessions are normally scheduled on a weekly basis and continue for as long as you and your therapist agree it is helpful. Feedback and progress will be reviewed together during each session.
Booking an appointment is a simple process involving you choosing your preferred date and time, preferred method of communication and making payment. Your appointment and communication details will then be confirmed and sent to your preferred contact.
Should you need to book an appointment outside of normal working hours such as evenings or weekends, please contact us to see if we can accommodate your request.
Information that will be requested to book an appointment:
  • Name:
  • Email address:
your preferred communication method
  • live video stream;
  • voice call;
  • WhatsApp messaging;
  • or email messaging.

You can choose to have regular video sessions or phone sessions with your therapist. If you choose to have live video conferencing sessions, your therapist will send you an email with a link to your video conference chat room. You will both be able to see and hear each other.

Anxiety encompasses a range of emotions, including worry, fear, nervousness, and apprehension. It is a common experience that we all go through at various points in life. For most individuals, feeling tense or nervous in certain situations, such as before an exam, job interview, dental visit or delivering a speech, is entirely normal. Such anxiety often revolves around concerns about potential mistakes, saying something foolish, or not achieving the desired level of success. These worries can manifest in various physical effects such as disturbed sleep, loss of appetite, or feelings of nausea.
Experiencing occasional mild anxiety is generally not an issue; and can be occasionally beneficial, making one alert and ready to perform at their best. As the challenge subsides, so do the anxious feelings. However, severe anxiety, where the intensity and duration of the feelings are disproportionate to the cause, can significantly impact daily life. In other words, anxiety becomes problematic when the overwhelming feelings start to affect physical health, daily functioning, or performance.
At times, many of us may experience periods of low mood or depression when faced with challenges or unexpected setbacks. Usually, such feelings pass on their own. Some experts view this as the body’s defence mechanism, a way of coping when life becomes overwhelming or as a reaction to unattainable self-expectations.
However, in certain cases, depression may persist and profoundly impact our emotions, actions, and self-beliefs. It can lead to other emotional difficulties and even manifest as physical health problems. Daily functioning may be affected, and one might question the purpose of life itself. When depression becomes prolonged and severe, it is considered a disorder or illness known as chronic or clinical depression.
Depression does not discriminate and can affect anyone. Its causes are varied, and each person’s experience with depression is unique. It can develop gradually over time or be triggered by specific life events. Additionally, depression might have a physical basis related to a person’s body chemistry.
Recognising depression can be important, as it presents differently in each individual and can range in severity. Common feelings experienced by those with depression include:
  • Feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with problems
  • Feeling stressed, irritable, or aggressive
  • Sadness or weepiness
  • Self-harm or suicidal thoughts
  • Avoiding social situations and people including friends and family
  • Disrupted sleep patterns and constant tiredness
  • Feelings of apathy or lethargy, losing interest in previously enjoyable activities.
  • Changes in eating habits, comfort eating or loss of appetite


Booking an appointment is a simple process involving you choosing your preferred date and time, preferred method of communication and making payment. Your appointment and communication details will then be confirmed and sent to your preferred contact. Please visit our FAQ page for further details, however should you have any further questions please contact us.

Should your question be of a highly personal nature please correspond directly to therapist@priori-health.com

Single Appointment

Single forty-five-minute online therapy session

60Package Booking

4 sessions are booked as a package


To book an appointment simply click on an available time and date that suits you. You will then be taken through your personal communication preferences and secure payment. Once completed you will be sent a confirmation email together with video log on link where required.

March 2024
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